Monday, April 26, 2010

Michelle from Big Blueberry Eyes came up with a wonderful way to honor Carly George's life and show the George family that her Down syndrome community will never forget sweet Carly. Please go visit here to find out more info and how you can help.

You can also visit here to grab this button.

Thank you George family for sharing your sweet girl with us. We will never forget Carly and you will be in our prayers constantly.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Rylie is under the care of a great doctor now. She still has the could still take weeks for the medicine to work and another test will be run. She's doing good, but it's just a waiting game as long as she is not having symptoms....more later, I'm too tired to think straight.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I took Rylie to the Neurologist yesterday. She looked into her eyes and said that there is still pressure there, because it looked blurry. The Neurologist doesn't have the equipment to really look into the eyes like the Opthamologist does. She only used one of those lights that the pediatrician uses, so she couldn't really tell much. She recommended seeing a Neuro-opthamologist and I told her we already have an appointment scheduled with one for next week. She said great and she knows the doctor we have an appointment with. She said he is the best! So next week we'll see him. The Neurologist increased her medication dosage. Maybe by next week all the swelling will be gone. That's what I'm praying for anyway. Rylie is doing great. She is perfect on the outside, I just don't know what's going on inside. I stopped researching Pseudotumor Cerebri online because it was freaking me out. Since she is not in any pain and still isn't showing any symptoms, I'm happy with that and looking forward to seeing the Neuro-opthamologist next week.

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